MTC is a Smart Rural Community
Gig-Capable Provider
MTC is Building Fast, Reliable Fiber Internet in Rural Areas

We're building Smart Rural Communities.
Connecting our Communities with a
100% FIBER network. More Reliable. More speed.
What is a Smart Rural Community?
What does it mean to be a Smart Rural Community? It means that homes, businesses, schools and public facilities all have access to broadband, and the community is using that broadband to improve economic, educational, health and social conditions for their citizens!
MTC’s service area communities are all connected to broadband via MTC’s 100% Fiber Optic communications network.
Only 1 in 5 households in the U.S. have access to a Fiber to the Premise connection, so that means that MTC’s service communities are ahead of some of the largest cities in the country when it comes to broadband access!
What makes a rural community “SMART”?
We're Connecting our Smart Rural Communities with FIBER
Broadband Enabled. Locally Driven. Globally Connected.
MTC was recognized as a Smart Rural Community Gig-Capable Provider in 2021. The Smart Rural Community initiative is a program created by NTCA-The rural Broadband Association to promote collaboration among broadband providers and other local leaders to leverage broadband-enabled solutions to generate innovative economic development, education, health care, and other vital solutions for rural areas.
SRC providers enable fast, reliable, and sustainable connectivity needed to thrive in an online world, especially as the demand for distance learning, telemedicine, and remote work grows.
We at McDonough Telephone and MTC are honored to be recognized as a Smart Rural Community provider, and we’re excited to continue connecting rural communities to reliable internet and telecom services.
Already live in an MTC Smart Rural Community?
Adair, IL
Bardolph, IL
Blandinsville, IL
Biggsville, IL
Carthage, IL
Colchester, IL
Colusa, IL
Dallas City, IL
Elvaston, IL
Ferris, IL
Gladstone, IL
Good Hope, IL
Hamilton, IL
Industry, IL
Kirkwood, IL
Littleton, IL
Lomax, IL
Macomb, IL
Media, IL
Monmouth, IL
Oquawka, IL
Raritan, IL
Roseville, IL
Sciota, IL
Smithshire, IL
Stronghurst, IL
Swan Creek, IL
Warsaw, IL
Why Does FIBER matter?
Fiber uses lightwaves to send signals to your home. This means:
- Faster speeds and less buffering
- A strong network that can handle multiple devices
- SYMMETRIC upload and download speeds
- A BETTER overall Wi-Fi experience in your home
Fiber Optic technology can provide lightning-fast internet speeds, and it’s SCALABLE, meaning it can handle faster speeds as the equipment becomes available to send them. That’s why Fiber networks are said to be “future proof.”
Most importantly, a 100% FIBER to the home network means a reliable, stress-free connection that works.
That’s why MTC has been working on connecting the surrounding areas with a 100% fiber network for over a decade.